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The group representatives have been determined

We have decided on the eight teams that will act as the representatives of each group.

Of course, this includes the four participating former and reigning world champions. Another four groups are led by experienced TAC teams who have themselves organized many tournaments and are rules-proof. The group spokespersons are supposed to support inexperienced teams and help them with rule questions, for example. As there are a few teams at this World Championship who have never played an official TAC tournament, the task of these teams is particularly important.

The group heads are: Eh wuascht (TAC World Champion 2019) / TiciTACa (TWC 2017) / TAC WG (TWC 2015) / Dreamteam (TWC 2011) / Die BeTACten, Spieletoyfel / TAC-Team-Stuttgart and TACTräumer.